The Skorde Of Corruption is eternal

During the first millennium, a race known as Elish declared war against the mightiest army of the gods of corruption, the god who accepted the challenge was named Silkalek, gods of corruption were always looking for new ways to test and destroy new races from the galaxy or if they were worthy fighters he would make them join their horde as a servant, and so Silkalek took 500 years to test in multiple ways the Elish armies.

The Skorde of Corruption at the beginning of their conquest was not made out of an army with soldiers but rather an army of ghosts and orbs without a shape that kills and steals the soul of anything they can lay their hands on, this army could not be attacked with normal weapons but rather magic and incantation. After one hundred years of testing the forces of the Elish fighters, he had to see them in action against equal force in a real war scenario... And so Silkalek corrupted one of the war chiefs and divided in half the strength of the Elish forces... A war against what was once your own people is very demoralizing but Silkalek was so happy with the result that he let this fight go on for four hundred years before starting to move toward the Elish home planet. The god of corruption has made his choice, he wants to make the Elish his main attacking race so he can put the Spectraliss army back to sleep as they are not meant to conquer but rather defend against any invading force on his homeland, the Corrupted Void. Before the extermination of their home planet, the Elish Lord Bawlzas accepted to surrender to save their race from extinction, Silkalek promised them an eternal reason to fight by conquering all the Galaxies if they would join the Skorde of Corruption, with no other choice, They did.

In the year 1032, the Elish found a species not only with an infinite thirst for battle but also an expert in crafting melee weapons. The Des’Orc was the most savage race they have encountered since the beginning of their galactic conquest, they excel at fighting in heavy heat conditions and they have left all planets they attack into a ball of sand. Lord Bawlzas of the Elish sent 3 elite squads of Darklock & Assasins on an infiltration mission into the orc main camp, they had to corrupt the minds of all the leaders in order to make them see the true power that the Skorde could bring them, in a matter of weeks, the three main leaders of the Des'Orc Goultar, Gwarla, and Grosko, lost all intention of fighting and wanted to join the Skorde of Corruption willingly.

In the years 1998, the Skorde of Corruption was capturing a solar system in a galaxy named Milky Way, they discovered a species called Zagnid, which specialized in aircraft and had the potential to make new technological advancements for the Skorde but the Zagnid didn't want to join the Skorde and fought for a century against them. After losing multiple solar systems and having their Home Planet discovered, Zagnara the mother of the Zagnid army decided and agreed to join the Skorde of Corruption and fight side by side with the Elish & the Des’Orc to prevent her race from getting exterminated.

It was only in the year 2420 that the Screamiack needed to be created to eradicate a planet with a small Human colony, a sanctuary of light was built by Humans that was slowly getting bigger. This sanctuary of light was blocking any attempt of Orbital Strike from the Skorde of Corruption, they had to unleash hell by sending their armies and taking control of all regions on the planet by brute force until they located that sanctuary and destroyed it. The Skorde was happy with all this fighting they could unleash their rage of fire upon those so call Humans but the god of corruption was not happy. Silkalek did not want to wait for a war of two weeks or three weeks for each planet they would find this cult on, and he had a feeling it would not be the only planet the Humans colonized. The god of corruption created a fourth race made out of the dead bodies of Humans to help his horde in the future of their conquest, he called them the Screamiack. Created to only serve, build, and kill for the horde, the first screamiack was made from a Human general body named “Adam Meres”, when he got resurrected his new name was given and chosen by Silkalek himself was Kalomi, he was considered as son of the god of corruption and the War Chief of the Screamiack Race. The taking over of the planet was done within 1 week, and all the Human colonies on the planet were wiped out, The Screamiack is the
most gruesome species to join the Skorde of Corruption.